Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
Gene Environment Interplay
Across the Lifespan
  1. Project
  2.  | Liu, C.* & Neiderhiser, J.M. (2017). Using genetically informed designs to understand the environment: The importance of family-based approaches. In P. Tolan and B. Leventhal (Eds.), Gene-Environment Transactions in Developmental Psychopathology: Role of Intervention Research. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.

Liu, C.* & Neiderhiser, J.M. (2017). Using genetically informed designs to understand the environment: The importance of family-based approaches. In P. Tolan and B. Leventhal (Eds.), Gene-Environment Transactions in Developmental Psychopathology: Role of Intervention Research. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.


Liu, C.* & Neiderhiser, J.M. (2017). Using genetically informed designs to understand the environment: The importance of family-based approaches. In P. Tolan and B. Leventhal (Eds.), Gene-Environment Transactions in Developmental Psychopathology: Role of Intervention Research. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.


Posted on

October 13, 2021