Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
Gene Environment Interplay
Across the Lifespan
  1. Project
  2.  | Leve. L. D. (2017). Applying behavioral genetic research to inform the prevention of developmental psychopathology: Drawing from the principles of prevention science. In P. H. Tolan, & B. L. Leventhal (Eds.), Advances in development and psychopathology: Vol 2. Gene–environment transactions in developmental psychopathology: Brain research foundation symposium series (pp. 251–282). New York, NY: Springer.

Leve. L. D. (2017). Applying behavioral genetic research to inform the prevention of developmental psychopathology: Drawing from the principles of prevention science. In P. H. Tolan, & B. L. Leventhal (Eds.), Advances in development and psychopathology: Vol 2. Gene–environment transactions in developmental psychopathology: Brain research foundation symposium series (pp. 251–282). New York, NY: Springer.


This chapter examines the role that findings from behavioral genetics research can play in facilitating a personalized medicine approach in the prevention of behavioral health problems. Ten core standards in prevention science are used as the framework for evaluating the readiness of the field to proceed with a personalized medicine approach.


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September 19, 2022