Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
Gene Environment Interplay
Across the Lifespan
  1. Project
  2.  | D’Onofrio, B.M., Singh, A.L., Illiadou, A., Lambe, M., Hultman, C.M., Grann, M., Neiderhiser, J.M., Långström, N., Lichtenstein, P. (2010). Familial confounding of the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring criminality: A population-based study in Sweden. Archives of General Psychiatry, 67(5), 529-538.

D’Onofrio, B.M., Singh, A.L., Illiadou, A., Lambe, M., Hultman, C.M., Grann, M., Neiderhiser, J.M., Långström, N., Lichtenstein, P. (2010). Familial confounding of the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring criminality: A population-based study in Sweden. Archives of General Psychiatry, 67(5), 529-538.


D’Onofrio, B.M., Singh, A.L., Illiadou, A., Lambe, M., Hultman, C.M., Grann, M., Neiderhiser, J.M., Långström, N., Lichtenstein, P.  (2010). Familial confounding of the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring criminality: A population-based study in Sweden. Archives of General Psychiatry67(5), 529-538.


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October 13, 2021