Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts
Gene Environment Interplay
Across the Lifespan
  1. People
  2.  | Marielena De Araujo-Greecher, Ph.D.

Marielena De Araujo-Greecher, Ph.D.

Research Instructor/Supervisor (Medical Records) and Data Manager

Marielena De Araujo_Greecher is a data analyst and Medical record coding instructor/supervisor in the Gene Environment Interplay Lab. She has a B.S. in Psychology, an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Psychobiology from The University of São Paulo (USP, Brazil). Her research focused on anxiety and nutrition. Prior to joining the lab, Mari worked with Dr. Rebecca Corwin, as a postdoctoral scholar in the Nutrition Department at Penn State. Mari is interested in the new and increased use of Medical Records as a research tool, and the linkage of these records with other longitudinal measures. While Medical records have the potential to be used to define disease onset, outcomes, treatments, exposure measures and covariates, their inconsistencies are a challenge for research and are of interest.